苹果、英伟达和微软,谁将首次实现4000亿美元市值?顶尖分析师为Tim Cook的公司提出看涨论点,预测潜在的2.7亿部iPhone升级。

来源: 红星新闻
2024-06-12 23:41:44

久久精品99久久久久久蜜芽「病院を出てしばらくしてから主人と知り合って結婚したの。彼は私よりひとつ年下でc航空機を作る会社につとめるエンジニアでc私のピアノの生徒だったの。良い人よ。口数が少ないけれどc誠実で心のあたたかい人で。彼が半年くらいレッスンをつづけたあとでc突然私に結婚してくれないがって言い出したの。ある日レッスンが終ってお茶飲んでるときに突然よ。私びっくりしっちゃたわ。それで私c彼に結婚することはできないって言ったの。あなたは良い人だと思うし好意を抱いてはいるけれどcいろいろ事情があってあなたと結婚することはできないんだって。彼はその事情を聞きたがったからc私は全部正直に説明したわ。二回頭がおかしくなって入院したことがあるんだって。細かいところまできちんと話したわよ。何が原因でcそれでこういう具合になったしcこれから先だってまた同じようなことが起るかもしれないってね。少し考えさせてほしいって彼が言うからどうぞゆっくり考えて下さいって私言ったの。全然急がないからって。次の週彼がやってきてやはり結婚したいって言ったわ。それで私言ったの。三ヶ月待ってって。三ヶ月二人でおつきあいしましょう。それでまだあなたに結婚したいと言う気持があったらcその時点で二人でもう一度話しあいましょうって。2002年世界杯,除了莫拉莱斯创造的这项最快纪录,还有一项世界杯最快纪录后人几乎难以逾越。P32kIWF-Ks6YSr67B9eLxqur2Md-苹果、英伟达和微软,谁将首次实现4000亿美元市值?顶尖分析师为Tim Cook的公司提出看涨论点,预测潜在的2.7亿部iPhone升级。

Apple Inc.'s (NASDAQ:AAPL) long-awaited unveiling of its AI strategy at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2024 has Wedbush's Dan Ives excited.

What Happened: The "AI Revolution" has finally arrived in Cupertino, according to Ives after Apple laid out its AI strategy at WWDC 2024.

The news was initially met with a delayed but positive reaction from investors, who are now beginning to grasp the potential impact of this move on the consumer market.

Ives believes Apple's AI strategy is expected to trigger a significant upgrade cycle for the company, with an estimated 270 million iPhones in the global installed base not having been upgraded for over four years.

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Additionally, the development of AI-based apps on Apple's platform is predicted to create a new AI App Store, fundamentally changing how consumers interact with generative AI while creating a new revenue stream for Apple.

Ives reiterated his belief that Apple's massive consumer base gives it a unique advantage to capitalize on the AI Revolution.

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Looking ahead, Ives thinks that the race to a $4 trillion market capitalization in the tech industry is expected to intensify, with Nvidia Corp. (NASDAQ:NVDA), Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ:MSFT), and Apple taking the lead.

Ives likened Nvidia's GPU chips to gold or oil but noted that Apple's AI announcements will trigger a "long-awaited super cycle in Cupertino" with 270 million iPhones that haven't been upgraded in the last four years being the prime candidates for an upgrade now.

Why It Matters: The AI features u nveiled by Apple at WWDC 2024 have been predicted to drive growth beyond current estimates by Gene Munster, the managing partner at Deepwater Asset Management. Munster suggested that these features could prompt Apple's user base to upgrade their hardware more frequently, potentially exceeding estimates over the next few years.

Ives also praised Apple's venture into AI, calling it a game-changer. He believes that the company's announcements related to ChatGPT-parent OpenAI and privacy, among others, have set a strong foundation for developers.

However, not all analysts are convinced. Despite lauding Apple's AI and ecosystem integration advancements, analyst Ming-Chi Kuo indicated that investors are seeking more substantial developments.

Price Action: Apple shares surged to a record-high on Wednesday after DA Davidson upgraded the stock, following a series of announcements at WWDC. Apple's shares were trading 3.14% higher at the time of writing, at $214.18, according to Benzinga Pro.

Check out more of Benzinga's Consumer Tech coverage by following this link.

Disclaimer: This content was partially produced with the help of Benzinga Neuro and was reviewed and published by Benzinga editors.

Photo courtesy: Apple



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