据报道,由Jensen Huang领导的人工智能公司英伟达将以1亿美元收购Shoreline.Io,以削减对微软、亚马逊等公司营业收入的依赖。

来源: 好奇心日报
2024-06-20 02:04:37

久久无码喷吹高潮播放学生「家庭的な背景」と僕は驚いて訊きかえした。  福州市气象台2023年09月05日20时26分将暴雨橙色预警信号升级为暴雨红色预警信号:过去1小时仓山区城门镇降雨量88.6毫米,未来2小时,马尾区(亭江镇、罗星街道、马尾镇),晋安区(宦溪镇、鼓山镇、新店镇、象园街道、王庄街道、岳峰镇、茶园街道),仓山区(盖山镇、城门镇、金山街道、上渡街道、仓前街道、临江街道、下渡街道、建新镇、螺洲镇、仓山镇、对湖街道、东升街道、三叉街街道),台江区(鳌峰街道、瀛洲街道、新港街道、宁化街道、上海街道、茶亭街道、义洲街道、苍霞街道、后洲街道、洋中街道),鼓楼区(五凤街道、洪山镇、水部街道、温泉街道、华大街道、安泰街道、鼓西街道、鼓东街道、南街街道、东街街道),高新区(南屿镇)仍有50~70毫米,局部超过80毫米降水。UVKqC-FxfBkrRxxKzYsmZ-据报道,由Jensen Huang领导的人工智能公司英伟达将以1亿美元收购Shoreline.Io,以削减对微软、亚马逊等公司营业收入的依赖。

Nvidia Corp. (NASDAQ:NVDA) has reportedly a greed to acquire Shoreline.io, a software startup, for an estimated $100 million.

What Happened: The acquisition deal was recently finalized, according to sources familiar with the matter, as reported by Bloomberg on Tuesday. The sources, who chose to remain anonymous, disclosed that the deal values Shoreline at approximately $100 million.

Shoreline, based in Redwood City, California, specializes in developing software that identifies issues and incidents within computer systems and automates processes to resolve them. The company was established in 2019 by Anurag Gupta, a former Amazon Web Services executive.

Nvidia, a key player in the development of computer systems essential for creating and running AI software, has been actively acquiring startups. The company, with a market value of $3.3 trillion, does not always publicly disclose acquisitions that are not considered material to its operations.

By adding new capabilities such as software, networking, and pretrained AI models, Nvidia aims to make technology adoption more accessible to a wider audience. The company also seeks to diversify its revenue sources, reducing its reliance on industry giants like Microsoft Corp. and Amazon in the cloud computing sector.

Shoreline has raised approximately $57 million and is backed by investors including Dawn Capital, Insight Partners, and Canvas Ventures.

Nvidia and Shoreline have yet to respond to the queries sent by Benzinga.

Why It Matters: Nvidia's acquisition of Shoreline comes at a time when the company has been making significant strides in the tech industry. Just a day before the acquisition news, Nvidia was declared the most valuable public company in the world, surpassing giants like Microsoft and Apple. This acquisition is another step in Nvidia's strategy to consolidate its position in the AI and tech industry.

Meanwhile, Ellen Hazen, Chief Market Strategist at F.L. Putnam Investment Management, praised Nvidia's recent financial performance and growth, hinting at the start of a significant era with Nvidia leading the way. She noted that Nvidia's revenue and earnings are up, drawing parallels to when Apple overtook Exxon as the biggest company in America by market capitalization in 2011.

Image via Shutterstock

This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Pooja Rajkumari




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